Map Ranking


Tribe name:PPFREE
Number of members:4
Points of the best 16 players0
Total points:0
Average points:0
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Rocker93 1 0 359 0
theKingSlay 2 0 360 0
super-nanny 3 0 376 0
corbend 4 0 393 0
We are PP Farming on this world. If you are interested in joining us please let us know

PPFREE was founded by Rocker93.

If you have questions please contact Rocker93.

Diplomacy super-nanny

First I wanted to say welcome to FREE.

A few things we expect in our tribe(s):
- Contribute to the tribe level
- Share commands so we can better support each others
- Turn on the tribe setting flags so that "aristocracy" can be aware and help coordinate
- In the forums there will be Important posts that require you to read and thank the post, so we are aware you have read it.
- Be active, and participate in our wars
- Be friendly
- Be respectful

FREE is a family. A core group has been playing together for a long time, and there is a strong sense of trust between them. If there is a request from the council in the forums, we all need to do our best to follow the direction. If something is happening to one of us, it is happening to all.

We are open to ideas, suggestions and different viewpoints, so don't be afraid to reach out to leaders to discuss your thoughts.

Have fun all, that is what we are here for!