Map Ranking

The Fellowship

Tribe name:The Fellowship
Number of members:16
Points of the best 16 players37.612
Total points:37.612
Average points:2.351
Opponents defeated: 4.337 (32.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Silverwood 1 4,863 67 6
mdrk 2 3,664 95 2
mel0m 3 3,125 125 2
Ubercorn 4 3,116 128 1
lordTomas 5 2,700 148 1
anthony 6 2,692 149 1
Ad Infernum 7 2,267 184 1
Koberis 8 2,693 190 1
Heisenberg 9 2,202 196 1
Grave Digger 10 2,102 200 1
Luke2102 11 1,796 268 1
Napalm 12 1,756 279 1
smeg1 13 1,488 342 1
jamie19191919 14 1,401 370 1
aylaserenity 15 878 520 1
junalii 16 869 521 1
HOBBIT was founded by Silverwood. If you have questions please contact Silverwood.

Just a fellowship for those that enjoy all things Lord of the Rings.

So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides that of evil.