Map Ranking

Sniping With Axes

Sniping With Axes
Tribe: YR4

Villages (0) Coordinates Points
Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 68 with your tribe OnlyBans.

Social achievements
The mentor (Silver - Level 3)

As a mentor, train 5 apprentices.
Unavailable until 27.02.2025.


Graduated from an apprenticeship under Chantyyy.
Unavailable until 27.02.2025.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Bronze - Level 2)

Play Tribal Wars for 2 years.
Unavailable until 27.02.2025.

Achievements on other worlds
World 68

World 69


Casual 14

World 72

World 74

World 77

World 78

World 79

World 66

World 67

World 70

World 71

World 73

World 75

World 76