Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
526 Bathory 0 0 0
527 volatile23 0 0 0
528 De Luitenant YR4 0 0 0
529 Gronk 0 0 0
530 revyto YR4 0 0 0
531 jimbo634 0 0 0
532 Dilemma 0 0 0
533 Mr Chips 0 0 0
534 CherryBoii 0 0 0
535 mattyjam PHX 0 0 0
536 pantelis 22 0 0 0
537 Athium TBA 0 0 0
538 beanie77773 0 0 0
539 DaDukeeeee 0 0 0
540 Babyshark YR4 0 0 0
541 Adamantine 0 0 0
542 Timark 0 0 0
543 kytte 0 0 0
544 Whinny the Pooh TBA2 0 0 0
545 Toxic 0 0 0
546 xorume 0 0 0
547 The Loyal One noob 0 0 0
548 digger 0 0 0
549 The Dowager Countess 0 0 0
550 general saber *DOGS* 0 0 0
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